Literature and Culture | Human Rights
The Right to Difference (2021) examines contemporary novels that depict human rights violations: Schlink’s The Reader and Ljubić’s The Stillness of the Sea, Müller’s The Hunger Angel and Khider’s Die Orangen des Präsidenten, Grass’s The Call of the Toad and Janesch’s Katzenberge, Erpenbeck’s Go, Went, Gone and Bazyar’s Nachts ist es leise in Teheran. I examine how an exaggeration of difference leads to intergroup violence. In rethinking “interculturality” as a way of reading, I connect tolerance of ambiguity and uncertainty to human rights.
Articles and Book Chapters
Coleman, Nicole. “Interkulturelle Pluralität: Dis/ability in ausgewählten deutschsprachigen Bilderbüchern.” Akten des XI. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses in Palermo 2021: “Wege der Germanistik in transkulturellen Perspektiven,” edited by Laura Auteri Bern: Peter Lang (accepted pending series editor approval of the section, expected 2022).
Coleman, Nicole. “The Political Tourist in Juli Zeh’s Die Stille ist ein Geräusch.” Anxious Journeys: Twenty-First Century Travel Writing in German, edited by Karin Baumgartner and Monika Shafi. Rochester, NY: Boydell & Brewer, 2019: 75-89.
“Feminist Empowerment: Muslim Women’s Voices and the Hijab,” live panel at Women in German Annual Conference (Portland, OR/virtual, November 2021).
“Pluralität in der deutschsprachigen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur: Bilderbücher für interkulturelles Lernen,” live panel at XIV. Kongress der Internationalen Vereinigung für Germanistik (Palermo, Italy/virtual, August 2021).
“Performing Refugees – The (Un)making of Groups through Language and Literature,” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (Lexington, KY, April 2017).
“Heimat: Remembered, Interpellated, and Radically Alien,” German Studies Association Conference (San Diego, CA, September 2016).
“Fantasies of Home: Refugees, Alienness, and the Construction of Heimat,” Binghamton University German Studies Colloquium (Binghamton, NY, April 2016).
“When Armenians Speak English: Ethnic Markings in Fatih Akin’s The Cut,” American Comparative Literature Association Conference (Cambridge, MA, March 2016).
“Fremdheit und Ferne im Werk Joseph von Eichendorffs,” Northeast Modern Language Association Conference (Toronto, ON, Canada, April 2015).
“www – World Wide Writing and Sudabeh Mohafez’s Zehn Zeilen,” German Studies Association Conference (Kansas City, MO, September 2014).
“Juli Zeh’s Die Stille ist ein Geräusch or the Impossibility of Traveling a War-Torn Country,” Northeast Modern Language Association Conference (Harrisburg, PA, April 2014).
“Writing the Intercultural Nation: The Future of Citzenship and Nationality in Multiethnic Societies,” Association for the Study of Nationalities Conference (New York, NY, April 2014).
“The Right to Difference: Genocide and Justice in Bernhard Schlink’s Der Vorleser and Nicol Ljubić’s Meeresstille,” American Comparative Literature Association Conference (New York, NY, March 2014).
“Blind Borders: Transnational Identities in Alea Torik’s Das Geräusch des Werdens,” German Studies Association Conference, Seminar “Transnationalisms: Sexualities, Fantasies, and the World Beyond” (Denver, CO, October 2013).
“Cinematic Encounters with the Other: The Play with Stereotypes,” Northeast Modern Language Association Conference (Boston, MA, March 2013).
“The Transnational Wanderer: Heimat and Identity in Abbas Khider’s Novel Der falsche Inder,” American Comparative Literature Association Conference (Providence, RI, March/April 2012).
Pedagogy | Intercultural Competence
Tracksdorf, Niko, Nicole Coleman, Steffen Kaupp, and Damon Rarick. Impuls Deutsch 2: Intercultural-Interdisciplinary-Interactive. Stuttgart, Germany: Klett, 2020.
Tracksdorf, Niko, Nicole Coleman, Damon Rarick, and Friedemann Weidauer. Impuls Deutsch 1: Intercultural-Interdisciplinary-Interactive. Stuttgart, Germany: Klett, 2019.
Link to the series:
Articles and Book Chapters
Coleman, Nicole, and Steffen Kaupp. “Rethinking Grading for Social Justice.” How We Take Action: Social Justice in K-16 Language Classrooms. Eds. Kelly Davidson, Stacey Margarita Johnson, and L.J. Randolph. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing (forthcoming). Homepage/Blog.
Coleman, Nicole, and Ivett Guntersdorfer. “Intercultural Competence for Global German Studies.” Unterrichtspraxis. 52.2 (2019): 138-145.
Coleman, Nicole. “Filmische Stereotype im interkulturellen Landeskundeunterricht: Theorie und Praxis.” Unterrichtspraxis. 49.1 (2016): 47-56.
Silja Weber “Decolonizing German Studies Curricula: A Report from the 2019 GSA Seminar.” German Studies Review. 44.1 (2021): 155-66.
Coleman, Nicole, and Lisa Hock. “Introduction: German Studies Go Global.” Unterrichtspraxis. 52.2 (2019): 124-129.
Coleman, Nicole, and Lisa Hock. “An Approach both Global and Pragmatic.” Forum. German Quarterly. 92.4 (2019): 451-454.
“”Increasing Engagement with Ungrading,” (prerecorded presentation, live chat), Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (virtual, March 2022).
“Ungrading in Language Learning Contexts: Techniques and Trajectories” (with Janice McGregor), live roundtable at the Eighth International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence (virtual, January 2022).
“‘We are all more alike than not’ – Moving Beyond Universalism for Anti-Racist Pedagogies in the Literature Classroom,” invited talk at the University of Connecticut, event series “Decolonizing Area Studies” (virtual, March 2021).
“Integral und Plural: Deutsche Kultur im Sprachunterricht,” Southern Conference on Language Teaching (virtual, March 2021).
“Multilingual Communities of German Speakers” (prerecorded presentation, live chat), American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Annual Conference (virtual, November 2020).
“Shifting Power: UDL and Feminist Assessment Practices for the German Classroom,” live panel at Women in German Annual Conference (virtual, October 2020).
“Integral und plural: Deutsche Kultur im Sprachunterricht” (with Joela Jacobs), live presentation at GETVICO24 (virtual, October 2020).
“Perspectives of Empathy,” American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Annual Conference (Washington, DC, November 2019).
“Creating a Welcoming Classroom for all Students,” American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Annual Conference (Washington, DC, November 2019).
“Decolonizing German Studies Curricula,” Seminar at the German Studies Association Annual Conference (Portland, OR, October 2019).
“Ungrading as Feminist Practice” (Poster Presentation), Coalition of Women in German Conference (Sewanee, TN, October 2018).
“Specifications Grading in the German Language and Literature Classroom,” Modern Language Association Annual Conference (New York, NY, January 2018).
“Interventions for Inclusivity and Social Justice,” Coalition of Women in German Annual Conference (Banff, Alberta, Canada, October 2016).
Workshops at Wayne State
“Less Grading, More Learning,” Presentation, Office of Teaching and Learning, November 12th, 2020, and March 11th, 2021.
“Using VoiceThread to Engage Students Online,” Presentation, EdTech Thursday, Office of Teaching and Learning, September 10th, 2020.
“Preparing Language Courses for Student Success in Online and Remote Learning,” Panelist with Julie Koehler, Elena Past, and Roxana Zuniga, FLTC Summer Series, July 16h, 2020.
“Target Language Assessment in Online and Remote Courses,” Panelist with Michael Anderson, Silvia Giorgini-Althoen, Christine Knapp, and Julie Koehler, FLTC Summer Series, July 10th, 2020.
“Creating Interpersonal Discussion: VoiceThread and Flipgrid,” Presenter with Silvia Giorgini-Althoen and Julie Koehler, FLTC Summer Series, July 7th, 2020.
“Meeting Platforms: The Pluses and Minuses of Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Products,” Panelist with Anne Duggan, Julie Koehler, and Leonidas Pittos, FLTC Summer Series, July 2nd, 2020.
“Helping Students (with) Recall: Retrieval Practice with Quizlet, Socrative, Kahoot, and Poll Everywhere,” FLTC Brown Bag, October 2nd, 2018.